Mar 7, 2019
I had the pleasure in reading a blog on apprentices bring passion into the work place by Anne Milton the Rt Hon MP and the Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills for the UK.
It got to make me think when I have taken marketing or digital marketing apprentices into my businesses before did they bring passion? I have had the pleasure in managing a few apprentices over the years. The one thing that they all came with was that gleam in their eyes and a real desire to drive themselves forward. Every one that I have had the pleasure to manage have all gone on to bigger and better things. The main thing that they brought was the passion as at the age we took them on thats all they could offer rough diamonds that if they are gleamed and shined in the right way will become the perfect gems that really drive businesses.
Going to college or university is not for everyone and so giving young people (and old) the ability to drive themselves through learning whilst they work is really important.
This week is national apprenticeship week and I have seen lots of activity promoting apprenticeships. If I could give any employer the one thing that they do bring from the very start , if assessed at the application stage, is passion.